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The importance of accurate property tax budgeting cannot be overstated. For some facilities and investment properties, the property tax bill may be among the largest checks written for a fixed cost all year.
Testudo assists businesses by improving the accuracy of their budgets. Tax bill projections are available for new construction or established facilities and personal or real estate accounts.
Schedules the historic trends of different tax rates of the various authorities
- Contacts the assessors and tax commissioners to get insight on their own expectations for the tax years being projected
- Reviews laws concerning value and tax rate caps, rollbacks, and other relevant statutes which will effect future tax bills
- Projects value increases for the property based on historic trends, assessment cycles, market information, and anticipated demolitions, renovations, and improvements
- Produces a concise report which lays out the property taxes for the years in question, along with a summary of caveats, assumptions, and premises
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